Ss Peter & Paul has a Distant Missions committee, led by the OCMC ( co-ambassadors Michael Bosworth and Paula Massouh.
Michael concentrates on short term missions especially the Guatemala medical missions, and Paula focusses on representing us at the Metropolitan Washington DC Mission and Outreach Committee (monthly info exchange and annual fundraising banquet) and the OCMC ’Support A Mission Priest’ (SAMP), and other committee activities include long term missionary visits to Ss Peter and Paul, visibility and engagement via bulletin, and contact with wider, national mission/outreach efforts such as the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), Project Mexico (various youth construction teams sent), and the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) with domestic construction missions.
Parish Missions/Outreach members and their specialties: Michael Bosworth. Co-chair. Short term mission procedures, North American missions esp Guatemala. Paula Massouh. Co-chair. Liaison to regional missions committee, SAMP, African missions esp Kenya. Barbara Bosworth. OCMC candle stand collection, correspondence, Northern Europe missions esp Sweden. George Zoto. Southern & Eastern Europe missions esp Albania. Svitlana Sweat. Youth mission opportunities esp. Project Mexico. (Interested volunteers! We have openings for IOCC, OCN, the new Orthodox Volunteer Corps and Asia/Oceania missions concentrations)
The committee welcomes interested volunteers, for committee work, short-term missions, special project support and long-term missionary support.
Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC)
Every year, Orthodox communities, organizations, and individuals offer their prayerful support to fund long-term missionaries, short-term mission teams, support for local mission priests (SAMP), construction of churches and infrastructure, and other projects, focused on strengthening the infrastructure of newly emerging, or reemerging, Orthodox Churches around the world. OCMC is active in about a dozen countries around the world, including Kenya, Guatemala, Mexico and Albania. You can learn more about OCMC at, including a list of all the long term missionaries and what short-term mission trips are recruiting and planning.
Ss Peter & Paul parish has been particularly active with the Guatemala mission, having sent four short term missionaries on three different short term missions there over the years. Most recently that has been the Guatemala medical missions (typically two or three are sponsored annually, with 6-10 short-term missionary volunteers each (usually 2-3 MDs, and other medical professionals plus admin, translation & sometimes construction support) for 10 days), with: